Friday, January 21, 2011

Tired but enjoyable

Tired but happy.Every Saturday morning, my friends and i will do the exercise at micet field in order to fight the fat and for myself to become as fit as fiddle . First step of course we will do the warm up. Then the excitement begin when everyone doing the side roll . Have you guys try this exercise ? Try to do it for ten times continuously without closing your eyes and you will feel what i feel. Sometimes you feel like throwing up and dizzy. It is enjoyable doing it with friends, laughing at each other and fun. Next , we are doing the squat jump for thirty times continuously. You squat when you crouch down in a low position with your knee fully bent, taking your weight on the soles of your feet or sitting . From the squat position, you have to jump as high as you can then back to the position . This exercise will determine whether you have strong knee or not. Other types of exercise done such as star jump, four angle, commando rest , RAMD rest, ninja turtle and lots more. Maybe some of you know about this type of exercise and maybe not. All of this exercise seems simple but it is effective for certain part of our body. For example, ninja turtle will help you strengthen  your waist.Before doing the warming down, we are practicing some tactical in conventional war .Overall, all of us having fun so, that's the activity done for Saturday morning.   

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